About Us

Global leaders in remote monitoring

leaders in iot

Tried and true.

Wildeye® has been in business since 2002 and delivered tens of thousands of cellular, cloud connected devices. When you install hardware in remote places you want it to just work. We have a team of 40 people crafting simple to use, award winning monitoring products.

    • US Irrigation Association New Product Contest Winner
    • General Electric Ecomagination Challenge Winner
    • UABS Entrepreneurs’ Challenge
    • Deloitte Fast50 and Fast500 Asia Pacific (three times!) for revenue growth

Main Office Locations

31 George Street
Mt Eden
Auckland, NZ

61 Carrington Street, Nedlands, WA, 6010

5811 E. Princeton Ave., Fresno, CA 93727
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31 George Street
Mt Eden
Auckland, NZ

 61 Carrington Street, Nedlands, WA, 6010

5811 E. Princeton Ave., Fresno, CA 93727
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Wildeye® is a proud member of:

  • California Ag Irrigation Association
  • Association of California Water Agencies
  • Vineyard Team
  • Groundwater Resources Association of California
  • California Irrigation Institute
  • California Rural Water Association
  • National Rural Water Association

Where to find us

Find Wildeye® at local events near you, including:

  • Annual Walnut Trade Show: Yuba City, CA
  • The Almond Conference: Sacramento, CA
  • World Ag Expo: Tulare, CA
  • Unified Grape Symposium: Sacramento, CA
  • California Irrigation Institute Conference: Sacramento, CA
  • North Valley Nut Show: Chico, CA
  • Commodity Classic: Anaheim, CA
  • WaterPro Conference
  • CAPCA Annual Meeting: Anaheim, CA or Reno, NV
  • South Valley Nut Conference: Tulare, CA
  • Sustainable Ag Expo: Paso Robles, CA
  • Grape, Nut & Tree Fruit Expo: Fresno, CA
  • Western Alfalfa and Forage Association Conference: Reno, NV
  • ACWA Conference